"I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and have given it to whom it seemed proper to Me." Jeremiah 27:5

Naturopathy, Energy Healing & Fascia Therapy
Biofield science is an emerging field of study that aims to provide a scientific foundation for understanding the phenomena that have been described as “energy medicine.” Energy medicine is the application of low-level signals performed by energy healer interventions through the laying-on of hands. Energy Healing has a wide range of applications described here in the National Library of Medicine.
Julian Lorin has been practicing Energy Healing for 7 years helping thousands of horses as well as other animals. The efficiency of his approach has been proven for all types of pathology. His faith, combined with his down to earth approch, is central to each of his treatments.
Fascia Therapy has brought Genny Lorin to a new understanding of the healing process. By observing the fascia tissues, Genny can determine the immune system's response to a health disorder. The field of Fascia Therapy application are listed here in the National Library of Medicine.
Their combined experience allows resolution of each healing process through identification and treatment of the root cause of a disorder. Together, they have designed this revolutionary method "IVI HEALING METHOD".

Julian & Genny
Julian and Genny have been working together on thousands of cases since 2018. Their work is a new approach to animal's health and well being.
Genny performs a global diagnosis of the animal's situation through bioresonnance and fasciatherapy. Julian proceeds to a Magnetic Healing Therapy.
Julian & Genny together address any physical condition, including Lyme disease, metabolic disorder, tendonitis, laminitis, ulcers, fractures etc. Behavioral issues are treated as well upon request.
The foundation of Julian and Genny's combined work is based on one fundamental principle: symptoms are no more than the immune system's efforts to heal a disorder.

Naturopathy is a system of treatment that avoids drugs and surgery and emphasizes the use of natural agents and physical means to help the body heal itself
Fascia Therapy, or connective tissue therapy, treats the stiffening and adhesions in the connective tissue in order to make it more supple.
Our principles
Our IVI HEALING Method has progressively evolved over 6 years of practice on thousands of horses worldwide and is based on the following naturopathic principles:
1. A horse is allowed to move freely in open spaces
2. A horse must have access to non-processed food for 10 to 16 hours per day
3. Supplements used temporarly are tailored to individual's horses needs, and are free of all chemicals and synthetics
4. A horse is transitioned to his barefoot nature to enhance circulation
5. Equipment and activity gauged and specific to every horse
6. Symptoms are signals and insights that facilitate treating the root cause
7. The root cause must be identified so the disorder can be accurately addressed
8. The body is not designed to self-sabotage, but tries to find solutions
9. Magnetism Healing, Fascia Therapy and prayers are the foundation of our healing process

Bioresonnance Testing for a better follow up
Bioresonance is used in holistic medicine to identify the root cause of dirsorders.
The device measures the frequency of energy wavelengths emited from the body. The measurements are used to diagnose health disorders. The bioresonance scanner discriminates the body's organs, identifies imbalances and warning signs, in order to prevent disorders.
Bioresonnance testing is performed by our team, following each procedure. We will keep you posted with accurate insights regarding your horse's improvements.