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Plurisome IVISCIENCE EQUINE HEALING CENTER Plutipotent exosome.png

STEMAID provides cutting-edge stem cell regenerative medicine as the world’s first and only health facility using pluripotent stem cells and their exosomes to treat people coming from all over the world. With almost two decades of pluripotent stem cell research, their unique designation allows them to provide revolutionary stem cell treatments to patients seeking optimal health and quality of life.

A broad spectrum exosomal concentrate derived from their pluripotent stem cell lines containing regenerative proteins, transcription factors, growth factors, etc. has been designed: Plurisome

Since 2020, injections of Plurisome have been performed on pets as well, to address fractures, arthritis, or tissue necrosis. The outstanding results drew IVI HEALING's attention. A first collaboration took place in 2021 for a dog  presenting a tissue and muscle necrosis due to a poisonous snake bite. See before and after treatment HERE.

What are exosomes?

Exosomes are nano sized extracellular vesicles produced by eukaryotic cells. All the cells of the body release exosomes ex: immune cells, epithelial cells, endothelial cells, blood cells, stromal cells - all cell types secrete exosomes. Exosomes carry important content for transmitting biochemical signals. Exosomes are the key messengers of intercellular communication. Exosomes has revealed a wide range of growth factors signaling metabolic rejuvenation, immunoregulation, tumor suppression and reversion, apoptosis, cell repair and growth. You can see details of this characterization study at 

What are Plurisomes™?

Plurisomes™ are the extracellular vesicles released by pluripotent stem cells. They are pluripotent exosomes, the active messengers of pluripotency, signaling repair in all 220+ tissue types.

They are cultured in a sterile laboratory setting, an ideal in-vitro medium devoid of the inflammatory and degenerative millieu present in vivo. Given this nourishing environment, the Plurisomes contain highly specific messaging content involved in cell communications that lead to multi-tissue renewal and repair, including growth factors, peptides, messenger and micro RNA. They are the only extracellular vesicles that permit exosome-mediated delivery of Yamanaka factors and other cellular reprogramming factors.

What types of exosomes are used in medicine?

The role of exosomes varies from cell to cell. In clinical medicine, exosomes released by stem cells have the widest range of therapeutic effects. They carry information that signals repair and regeneration in many tissues of the body and have suppressive effects on degeneration. Stem cells are designed to replenish tissue with healthy normal cells, to repair and reprogram tissues, including restoration of benign phenotype of cancer cells. Stem cells release a health-potentiating secretome.

How are exosomes made?

Exosomes, as a therapeutic injectable product, are made in a laboratory. They are nano-sized microvesicles that are made by stem cells and released from their intraluminal vesicles onto a nutrient rich cell culture supernatant. They are then isolated. Pluripotent stem cells, produced by Stemaid Laboratories, are a potent source of exosomes and love to grow in the nourishing cell culture supernatant, releasing the sought-after cell-reprogramming and multi-organ reparative exosomes by the billions. Plurisomes are an exosome product produced by Stemaid laboratories.

What happens during an exosome treatment?

Clinical applications of exosome therapy are often done intravenously or by direct injection to the target site. Exosomes are released into the extracellular space, attach to target cells in the body and transfer their contents to recipient cells. Since exosome biological products are highly bio-compatible presenting a low risk of adverse reactions.

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